MacWorld 1998 September
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MacZoop 1.8.3
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Progress Dialog
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* MacZoop - "the framework for the rest of us"
* ZProgress.h -- a progress dialog
* © 1996, Graham Cox
#pragma once
#ifndef __ZPROGRESS__
#define __ZPROGRESS__
#ifndef __ZDIALOG__
#include "ZDialog.h"
// display types for the progress dialog- with "Cancel" button,
// "Stop" button, or no button at all.
// display modes: normal or "stripey"
typedef short ProgType;
CLASS_ZProgress = 'zprg'
// progress class:
class ZProgress : public ZDialog
short theType;
long max;
long value;
long createTime;
long deferTime;
long estTicksToFinish;
Rect pRect;
Boolean fAbort;
PixPatHandle stripesPat;
ProgType displayMode;
short evtProcRatio;
short evtProcCount;
ControlHandle macOS8Control;
ZProgress( ZCommander* aBoss,
const short dialogID,
const long maxValue,
const short pType = kCancelType,
const ProgType aMode = kProportionalProgress );
// progress bar manipulation:
virtual Boolean InformProgress( const long progressSoFar ); // update the bar
virtual void SetDelay( const short delayTicks ); // set deferment delay
virtual void SetMessage( const Str255& aMsg ); // pass message directly
virtual void SetMessage( const short resID, const short index); // uses 'STR#' resources
// dialog overrides
virtual void SetUp(); // override
virtual void ClickItem( const short theItem ); // override
virtual void DrawUserItem( const short item ); // override
virtual Boolean Filter( EventRecord* theEvent ); // override
virtual void OutlineDefaultItem() {}; // override
virtual void Draw(); // override
// new: Change display mode on the fly
virtual void SetMode( ProgType aMode );
inline ProgType GetMode() { return displayMode; };
inline long GetEstimatedCompletion() { return estTicksToFinish; };
// set the event processing ratio:
virtual void SetEventRatio( short aRatio ) { evtProcRatio = evtProcCount = aRatio; };
virtual void CycleStripe();
virtual void EstimateCompletionTime();
virtual void UpdateTimeToComplete();
// this class is blindingly easy to use. To keep the user informed of progress, simply
// create the object (maybe as a stack object in your lengthy routine), passing the
// maximum number of iterations of your function. Then call InformProgress with the
// loop count within that function. This will update the bar, etc. If the user hits the
// cancel/stop button, this function will return FALSE, indicating that you should abort
// the function, or TRUE normally, to indicate that you should carry on. In addition to
// this, you can pass -1 in the <maxValue> parameter to indicate that you don't know how
// long the function will take, in which case the bar is drawn with a striped pattern that
// is animated on each call to InformProgress. Finally, you can defer the appearance of the
// dialog for a specified delay period- call SetDelay to set the deferment time in ticks. In
// any case the dialog will only get shown when you call InformProgress. Note that this class
// handles events, etc as normal, so your lengthy routine is effectively made to cooperate
// with everything else. You need to be aware of this and that current ports, devices, etc may
// not remain set across calls to InformProgress. SetMessage is used to set the additional
// string the dialog displays above the bar- you do not need to use it. You can also use the
// SetTitle method (inherited from ZWindow) to set the title of the progress dialog.
// change, 27/5/97- the display modes are now separate, so you can switch from proportional
// to striped bar and back without affecting the setting of either. This is to make the class
// more versatile, and compatible with the forthcoming Appearance Mgr control.
// change, 27/5/97. The limitation that you can have only one progress dialog up at once is
// removed, since there may be a need for multiple ones in multi-threaded applications. To make
// this work well, you might like to consider using a modeless dialog for your progress
// indicators.
// pass in <maxValue> for striped bar:
#define _STRIPED_BAR -1
// typical delay times in ticks:
#define kTwoSeconds 120
#define kThreeSeconds 180
// standard dialog resource IDs and items
#define kStdProgressResID 133
#define kTimeEstimateStrID 133
#define kCancelButton 1
#define kBarItem 2
#define kMessageItem 3
#define kTimeRemLabel 4
#define kEstTimeDisplay 5
// pattern IDs used for bar ('ppat' resources)
#define kStdBarPattern 129
#define kStdBackPattern 128
#define kStdStripedPattern 130
#define kStopStringID 4
// errors:-
#define kProgressAlreadyUpErr 222